Fairy Expectations
There are some days where, who knows for what reason, I wake
up with a little extra bounce in my step.
Ironically; rainy days. Stormy days. Dark skies that mask the actual time of day
all day long. Pounding rain, warning you
to stay inside, or else you are destined to look like your newly blooming
hydrangea. The threatening weather just makes the little glories of “home” seem
more obvious, and with a grateful heart, I curl up in an old quilt……and plan.
It’s disgusting how much enjoyment I get from planning.
Lists. Check marks
and a good felt-tip pen. The little rush
I get from COMPLETING A TASK on time. As
a stay at home mom of four, this simple event is a luxury I relish.
The kids seem to feel a rainy day contentment too. They have been self-entertained with fairy
wings and a mini-picnic basket for 45 minutes.
Its amazing how a good thunderstorm spurs new interest in old toys. And with an entire post-it note of checked
off boxes, I am ready to put down the anti-bacterial spray and pick-up the
jester hat.
There are some staples of a rainy day. Forts. Movies (I don’t even feel guilty
about). Home-made cookies. This is all done by 10:00 flat.
We need a bigger plan.
It’s the compilation of all things wonderfully “cozy”…..we
will host an impromptu fairy party in our playhouse with our neighborhood
kiddos. Somebody has to eat all these
stinkin’ cookies.
I tell my two waiting fairies to stay on our porch while I
run the computer and blankets out to the playhouse. Then together we make the
wet dash to the playhouse. Its raining so hard, I actually consider the possiblity of finding ruby slippers sticking out from the foundation.
Dripping fairy gowns. Muddy feet. Twinkle lights. Giant smiles.
Door handle on floor…..what?
With great effort to keep the rain out, my four year old has
slammed the door so hard, the handle comes off and we are locked inside.
I can actually hear the world laughing at me.
This moment, like so many lately, reminds me I am not in charge. Ever.
Fairy hysteria hits and God save me…is there really anything
worse? My young Liza Minnelli screams, “We
are going to die!!!” while literally running and throwing her bird body at the door
to get out. There is goldfish rationing.
Safety rules are reitterated. The littlest fairy is in the corner shaking because a giant clap of thunder has
just made the windows rattle and I’m sure she thinks these are her last
moments. I wish I could reassure her. Older sister is not an easy melt-down to
I’m no MacGyver. There are no bobby pins and extra
wire. There are stuffed animals staring
blankly at me from their designated playhouse chairs which just seem to add to
the audience of failure. I’m cursing my Boy Scout husband for building a
freakin’ bomb-sturdy shelter. The
fairies are now smearing their glitter cheeks against the windows, scratching
to get out. Its beginning to look like a hot pink helter skelter in here.
Just as I’m about to pull an Alice in Wonderland, and literally
throw my giant size mom body through the mini-playhouse windows…I rattle the
screen free. Screams of joy. Puddles of pee. Little fairy is so relieved
she lets is all go on the floor. Hey, we
all celebrate in our own way. I shove my
four year old out the mini-window in the middle of the hurricane and she obediently
opens the door and sets us free.
So much for “Mommy-makes-rainy-days-special”. We narrowly escaped and entire afternoon of
angry Tink going ballistic in unsanitary conditions. We retreat to normality.
Normal clothes.
Normal couch.
Normal movie.
And all is fine. Actually,
all is grand.
Sometimes I make it more work than it needs to be. A lot of the time. Maybe it’s the need to create and accomplish
something separate from the normal routine. Not just laundry and dishwashers
and seatbelts. Maybe it’s my own wish fulfillment, both as a child and a mother.
I would have loved a 2 story playhouse with twinkling lights and my own front
porch. I would have relished in a rainy
day getaway. And, I would love them to
remember me as a mom that put down the Everyday once in a while to make room,
messy as it may be, to experience the Exceptional day. Mom’s lipstick. Lunch on
a kabob. Butterfly streamers. Cookie stands. But, this is about me, and the
world so gently reminds me of this fact.
They are happy with the smallest of luxuries….PB&J and
popcorn for lunch. It doesn’t even need
Audience of failure... Those damn stuffed animals! Loved this!